Client feedback
“Stefanie did an excellent job of presenting complex issues in a clear and very interesting way. We were delighted with the tour.”
“Lorenzo was very inspiring especially understanding the role of design in Barcelona and how it influences almost everything in the city. The students enjoyed his lessons.”
“We had two wonderful days. Very inspiring for my daughter who wants to study architecture and very insightful. We all learned lots of history background and not even to mention the visual stimulation of a beautiful city. Definitely recommended and we hope to be back.”
“I am not just likely to recommend: I have actually recommended already. The tour was very informative and well balanced, and the guide very knowledgeable and pleasant. I am also looking forward to returning to Barcelona and doing other GA tours there, and I will make sure I look up GA tours in other destinations I visit.”
“Thank you very much for the excellent experience of having you as our guide! There were many nice comments afterwards regarding both the projects selected, the pacing, narration, general logistics and the very handsome guide ;)”

Architecture firms & other companies
Hairiri Pontarini Architects, Tyrens, Sweco, Rambøll, Sto AG, Marset, Trespa, Moos Giuliani Hermann, Schällibaum, Itten & Brechbühl, Haworth, Lorenzateliers, Jung Architektur, Royal Pineda, Bottler Lutz, H+Arktitekter, Lugnet Arkitekter, Bjerking, Magizan Architecure Urbanisme, Burckhardt+Partner, PHS mbH Planungsgesellschaft für Haus- und Stadterneuerung, Arnold und Gladisch Architekten, Tektonik Architekten, g2architekten, Junistrategi, Arkitekteneas, bmnp.architekten, AKZENTE Architektur & Landschaft, GSM Freie Architekten, Zpf Ingenieure, IC Projektentwicklung, Kiinko, Venneberg & Zech, Atrio Arkitekter, Grimbacher Nogales Architekten, Webereinhardt Generalplaner, Link Arkitektur, Va Arkitektar, Design Management Department China Resources(Shenzhen), Apd Architekten, bauART Architekten, SPIR Architects, MPP Meding Plan + Projekt, Schällibaum AG, F.Hoffmann?LaRocheLtd., königlarch architekten, Stadtbau GmbH Pforzheim, GeWoSüd, baumann bauconsult, Architectuur Lokaal, Gillespies LLP, Ackermann Architekt, AKA Architekturkommunikation, akershus eiendom, Wendl Metal, W2 Architekten, Leuthold Partner AG, Gross Generalunternehmung, Geissbühler Architekten, apb architekten, BSS Architekten, Max Hoffmann GmbH, Barkow Leibinger Architekten, HSP Consulting, Krebs und Herde Landschaftsarchitekten, Architekturbüro Chaschpar Gachnang, Metron AG, Architekturbüro Ludwig Grassi, Hastings Borough Council, BDP Architects, GEO Reisen Incentive & Marketing GmbH, Dahinden & Heim Architekten, Architekturinform, Birk GmbH, Schleburg Architekten, Archis Architekten + Ingenieure, BGS Architekten Rapperswil, Atelier Werkidee Trachsel, Cadosch & Zimmermann, Architekten Ehrenbold + Partner, Architekturbüro Ludwig Grassi, among others
Professional associations & Institutions
BDA Bund Deutscher Architekten, BDB Bund Deutscher Baumeister, Mies van der Rohe Foundation, Broadway Housing Communities, ENA École nationale d’administration, JUWO – Jugendwohnnetz, BBU Verband Berlin-Brandenburgischer Wohnungsunternehmen, BBA – Akademie der Immobilienwirtschaft e.V., Akademie für Internationale Bildung (AIB), Fraunhofer IAO, Rotary, Lions Club, Bosnian Architecture Chamber, Wohnungsbaugenossenschaft Lünen, Handwerkskammer Dortmund, Fondation de l’Architecture Luxembourg, Ziegelverband Österreich, among others
Universities & schools
IED, UPF, University of Harvard – Cambridge, Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, Bauhaus University Weimar, Breda University of Applied Sciences, ETH Zürich, TU Dresden, TU Berlin, TU Wien, Hochschule Aschaffenburg, Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences, Bauschule Aarau, Fribourg Haute Ecole d’Ingénierie et d’Architecture, Hochschule Augsburg, Europaschule Kiel, Canadian Univeristy of Dubay, HFT Stuttgart, TU Graz, Kantonschule Wohlen, Hochschule für Technik Zürich HSZ-T, TU Braunschweig, Kantonsschule Enge, Fachhochschule Lichtenstein, HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil, Fachhochschule beider Basel, Gymnasium Thun-Schadau, Berner Fachhochschule, Fachhochschule Würzburg, Berufsschule Kreuzlingen, Bauschule in Unterentfelden, Hochschule Anhalt Architektur, Hafencity Universität Hamburg, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Aargauer Kantonsschule, Fachhochschule Kaiserslautern, among others
Public authorities
Ayuntament de Barcelona, City of Berlin “Ausschuss für Stadtentwicklung”, Oslo municipality, Stadtentwicklungskomission & Stadtrat Zürich, Advantage Austria Oficina Comercial, Hamburger Städtebauseminar, Netherlands Business Support Office, City of Seoul, Täby municipality, Stadt Ludwigsburg, City of Oulu, Albertslund City, Lidingö City Office, Municipality of Kristiansand, Gemeinde Kirchheim, Municipality of Schaffhausen, Bauverwaltung Münchenstein, among others
Globe 360DMC, Transcoma Cruises, AHI Travel, Delinat, Rientjes, Motion Europe, Kuoni-Tumlare, Arch on Tour, Worldwide Quest, Hummingbird Grupp & Konferens, Enyevent, Re-imagine, Artigo, Barcelona Ekspertene, Spain Food & Travel , Indigo DMC, Arkitours, Kultour, Pintail Tours, Cotravel, Provotum, Venus Tour, Poppe Reisen, Guardian, Architektur und Reisen, Rockwell Luxury Travel, Sutter-Reisen, Casita Travel, Cultoura Reisen, Vanguard Education Ltd, artigo, a-tour, Lemonchik, ATS Travel, among others